Schedule of Events to Christmas

This schedule may yet be subject to change.

---Date--- ---Events--- ---Tuesday Matches--- ---Other Matches in Week---
17/09/24 Quickplay tournament
24/09/24 (Tuition) Basic pawn endings
1/10/24 “Fire on Board” tournament B
8/10/24 A C
15/10/24 (Analysis) D B
22/10/24 (Tuition) Basic rook endings C
29/10/24 B,(D)
5/11/24 Chess 960 tournament
12/11/24 D A,B,C
19/11/24 A,CvD Cup
26/11/24 (Analysis) C,(D)
3/12/24 “1.d4” tournament
10/12/24 D A
17/12/24 C B

In Tuesday matches a parenthesised entry indicates a Tuesday match that is an away fixture*

(Analysis) - indicates that members of the A team will be available to look at members games (ideally send them in advance). If no takers then they will be looking at their own games - feel free to participate! Friendly games will also continue.

(Tuition) - a one hour session for beginner/ weaker players on the subject given. Friendly games will also continue.

Note: the (Tuition) and (Analysis) sessions are a trial. If successful further sessions will be arranged.