Friendly Cup Rules


The DCC Friendly Cup is a points based competition aimed at providing a framework for social play at the club. It will consist of two components:

  • Friendly games played at the club
  • Special events (“fun” quick play and themed competitions run usually by Kevin D)


  • Points to be awarded for non-competition (other than matches, DCA and DCC championships) games (played at the club).
  • The competition will be handicapped (both in points and time controls) to allow more opportunity for the weaker players.
  • The scoring will award participation as well as achievement.

Handicap Groups

  • There are four groups for the purposes of determining handicaps. These are based on the Septembers ECF grading list and will not change during the year (unless the tournament director feels that a player’s strength is significantly different to their group).
  • The groups are:
    • Group A: ECF 1800+
    • Group B: ECF 1650 - 1799
    • Group C: ECF 1500 - 1649
    • Group D: ECF <1500 data-preserve-html-node="true" or ungraded (see below)
  • Generally the long play grades will be used, But if a player has a “P” or no standard grade and a normal (“K” or “A”) rapid grade then that should be used.
  • If a player is ungraded, then their last published grade should be used. If a player has not previously had a grade they are Group D. The tournament director retains the right to assign a different handicap group if a player is obviously stronger than 1399 ECF.

Friendly Games

  • Only the first three friendly games by a player, against different opponents, each evening contribute to the Friendly Cup.
    • It should be agreed up front that these games will contribute to the Friendly Cup, but we would expect this to be the become the norm for all friendly games.
  • Time Controls
    • The default time controls are based on handicap groups (see separate table).
    • If both players agree, games can be played with different or no time controls.
  • Results should be recorded on the appropriate sheet.
    • We encourage the results of all friendly games are recorded but only the first three games played against different players count towards points.
    • Games must be recorded in the order they were played.
    • It is the responsibility of both players to ensure that games are recorded correctly.
  • Points will be awarded as follows:
    • 3 points for a win
    • 2 points for a draw
    • 1 point for a loss
    • +1 point for win/draw against a higher group player

Time Controls Table

Grade - v Group A - - v Group B - - v Group C - - v Group D -
Group A 1800+ 15/15 10/15 5/15 3/15
Group B 1650+ 15/10 15/15 10/15 5/15
Group C 1500+ 15/5 15/10 15/15 10/15
Group D under 1500/ug 15/3 15/5 15/10 15/15

The table gives the times in minutes for the whole game for each side. In addition a 5 second increment applies to each move for both sides.

Separate details will be provided on setting up the club clocks to these timescales.

Special Events

  • Throughout the season there will be several fun events run for the club (these are the various special events that KJD has arranged in the past).
  • Friendly Cup points will be awarded based on the results and opponents of the 4 games played. (On special event nights one further game is scored)
  • If a player gets a bye (due to odd number of players) it will count as 3 points towards the Friendly Cup.
  • If an event has a number of games other than 4, points will be awarded on a pro-rata basis to achieve the same level of overall scoring.
  • On a special event night, no other friendly games can contribute to the Friendly Cup.