A-Team Bounces Back with Victory

Derby A travelled to Belper on Wednesday (13/11/24) to play their B team.

Steve on Board 1 managed to take strategic control of a queenless position a pawn up and prodded his opponent into making a mistake in time trouble.

Kevin was slightly worse going into an endgame but his opponent blundered the exchange pushing for a win. Kevin may have in turn missed a win and they agreed a draw.

I played a stodgy London where all the Knights were exchanged but Martin ended up with a backward pawn and bad bishop. I then misplayed the position but Martin failed to find the right continuation and I won quickly.

David caught his opponent's un-castled king in the centre and won a piece.

A nice reversal of our first match.

Belper B ½ - 3½ Derby A
1 Townsend, Andy 1892 0 - 1 Retout, Steve P 2021
2 Alldread, Luke S 1849 ½ - ½ Dalley, Kevin J 1845
3 Cobham, Martin 1752 0 - 1 Williams, David 1868
4 Wathen, Andrew 1636 0 - 1 Smith, David 1817

Dave Williams 14/11/25

(note from Kevin - Having looked at my endgame at home, it was more complex than we initially thought on the night. The potential win needs a lot more analysis to prove as there are some resources my opponent had that we did not spot- maybe this will form part of a future blog post?)


B-Team March On with another Victory


Derby D Win Against League Newcomers