Derby Chess Club

Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults policy

Derby chess club aims to provide a safe and respectful setting in which the game of chess can be enjoyed by all members of the club. With children (i.e. those members under the age of 18 years) and vulnerable adults playing in the club, on teams within the local leagues and attending coaching sessions with a member of the club it is necessary to have in place a policy for safeguarding these members which meets the expectations of the wider community and, indeed, legislative requirements.

The essentials of safeguarding are described in the “English Chess Federation Child Protection Policy Statement” which can be found on the E.C.F. website [ link to website]. A printed copy will be available in the club. Derby Chess Club will aim to follow the principles of this policy whilst being mindful of the differences in scale and resources between the E.C.F. organisation and our own club in terms of the procedures adopted. It is recommended that all members of the club acquaint themselves with the contents of the E.C.F. policy.

Specific Safeguarding Procedures

  1. The club will aim to appoint a volunteer from its membership to take the lead on safeguarding issues. If a volunteer cannot be appointed responsibility for such matters will be held by the officers of the club, these being the chair, secretary and treasurer.
  2. Any concerns that a club member has about a safeguarding issue, such as those described in the E.C.F. document referred to above, should be reported to and taken up by the safeguarding lead or the club officers who will investigate the concern and take appropriate action in the light of that investigation.
  3. When a member of the club has a coaching and/or team captain role in relation to children (“juniors”) at the club then that member should seek an enhanced disclosure and barring certificate from the E.C.F. who for this purpose would be regarded as the “employer” in the formal processes of the Disclosure and Barring Service. The nature and extent of the coach’s/team captain’s activities will be agreed upon with the wider club membership. The coach/team captain will communicate with the parent(s) or responsible adult(s) of a child as to the particular arrangements necessary for coaching sessions, club nights and team games in the local leagues when visiting an away venue. The parent(s) or responsible adult(s) will be asked to agree formally to these arrangements. [ append “Derby Chess Club Derby Junior Chess Club Safeguarding Procedures” document]
  4. The policy and procedures outlined above will be agreed upon by the members of the club at its annual general meeting and reviewed there each year subsequently. If changes or adjustments in the policy become necessary, say following an incident or consequent upon a change in the law or in E.C.F. policies then the officers of the club will take whatever immediate actions are required seeking ratification by the wider membership when this becomes possible

Derby Chess Club – October 2018